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Book Blogger Hop and Coming Soon, 15/10/10

The Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

It's that time of the week again when book reviewers hop around each other's blogs like crazy frogs. I have to confess to being very greedy when it comes to following book blogs, I just can't read enough reviews by kindred spirits across the world. Alas, this means that my to-read list just keeps getting longer than I can hope to get through, thanks to all the recommendations.
"When you read a book that you just can't get into, do you stick it out and keep reading or move to your next title?"
I don't like to give up on a book, and nine times out of ten I will see it through to the end. If the book that I'm reading isn't enticing me, I'm more likely to put it aside in favour of something lighter or an old favourite - or many - but I try to get at least three chapters read between one more enjoyable book and the next. I can think of two books in the last couple of years that found themselves in a charity shop without my having read to the end, and one that went back to the library unfinished.

Coming Soon

I haven't had as much reading time in the last week as I would have liked, due to various inconveniences such as work and making up for lost sleep, but I have three days off which I intend to make the most of. Alas, my to-read list just gets longer and longer. I still have two library books, (which have now been renewed until 2nd November) a handful of bought books and an ever-growing wish list.

Twenty Boy Summer and The Hunger Games arrived on the doorstep on Tuesday, two books I've heard a lot about in the last month or two.

Today I'm reading Twenty Boy Summer, and aside from any thoughts on the story, I observed with interest that some paperback books imported from the USA have a different texture to UK editions. The cover feels either slightly fuzzy or smoother than smooth, bringing to mind the surface of a chalkboard, compared with the UK's matt or cheap shiny paper covers. Also, the book is slightly floppier. Perhaps American printers use lighter paper?

I bought Fallen by Lauren Kate and Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, which appear to have similar subject matter, were published around the same time, (as were their sequels,) and which have gorgeous covers. I finally bought my own copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the great classics and must-reads in the history of literature. Last on the list is my sister's copy of the latest Terry Pratchett book, I Shall Wear Midnight, about which she gave a couple of little hints that caused it to scream out, "READ ME!"