Hosted by Jennifer of Crazy for Books
This week I have come late to the Book Blogger Hop, as I spent all of yesterday taking a day out from everyday life and the world of the internet, and made a day trip up to London. Luckily the Hop lasts all weekend, and so here I am, fashionably late, glamorous and gorgeous, with a contribution of wine and nibbles.
This week's question:
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"That's not an easy question to answer, because other than books themselves, what else do I need? More shelves would be great, but I live in a smallish and rather cluttered house, so where would I put them? Anything else would be superfluous, really. But what I could do with is more time.
If only I could have two parallel existences at once: one in which I was living: working, travelling, doing my hobbies, spending time with friends, watching TV, etc. And one in which I need do nothing but read.
What I need is a time machine.
That way I can live each week twice, once for living, once for reading. Maybe that way I'd get through enough books to satisfy me.
What I really need is the TARDIS.
Not only does it travel in time, but it is bigger on the inside than the outside - so there would be plenty of space to store my books. And we know it has a library, because that is where the swimming pool is.
Coming Soon
After being very well-behaved last week, I overcompensated this week and splashed out on lots of lovely new books. I ordered a favourite book from my teens, True Believer by Virginia Euwer Wolff and its prequel, Make Lemonade, which I never actually read. And on my trip to London, I found myself in the amazing Foyle's bookshop on Charing Cross Road. I came home with Pink by Lili Wilkinson, Diamond Star Halo by Tiffany Murray and Malorie Blackman's newest: Boys Don't Cry. Finally, I have bought a copy of Dawn French's first novel: A Tiny Bit Marvellous, which I expect to have me crying with laughter.
I finished reading Hush, Hush on the train up to London, and read Pink on the train down, so expect reviews of these later.